SAP Expertise – Product Lifecycle Management
The management of a comprehensive product data model and its mapping over the entire product life cycle poses a major challenge to many companies. The solution for this is ProPLM, ProNovia's SAP Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). With ProPLM you can manage product lifecycles company-wide transparently and with minimal outlay. This provides benefits across all business processes, from the product creation process to the elimination of the product.
All relevant information merged
ProPLM, ProNovia's SAP Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), offers you an integrated solution for controlling all data in the product lifecycle. This SAP PLM application focuses on cross-departmental and cross-company work, which is why all parties involved are incorporated. In this way, all product-relevant information can be obtained from the development department and production to sales and service.
Accelerated product development
Last but not least, ProPLM, ProNovia's SAP Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), supports companies in launching innovative products on the market faster. This is achieved through optimal technical conditions for global cooperation in product development. Since ProPLM users benefit from more flexibility in process design, they can also react more quickly to changes in the market and adapt products accordingly.